Photo courtesy of Oz Hardwick.
1. Page 13. The reference attributed to Pettinger as 2027 should be 2017 as per the bibliography.
2. Page 25. 'been' on the top line should, of course, be 'being'.
3. Page 64. Ode To Toxteth has the bracketed subtitle (A Last Outpost of British Civilisation).
4. On page 70 I comment that 'Uncle Sam's on Mars' was written in 1977, this is incorrect as it was part of the set at the 1976 Cardiff Castle Music Festival as stated on page 92.
Reference. Hawkwind Setlist, Cardiff Castle, Cardiff, Wales 24 July 1976
5. On page 85 I reference Joe Banks' article 'Freq Out' when stating that Robert sung on Adrian Wagner's 1979 single 'Disco Dream and the Androids' this is wrong and should read that Robert sung on 'Wagner's 1979 album Disco Dream and the Androids' as Banks correctly states (Banks 2021: no pag.).
Also on page 85 I call the 1974 recording of 'Crikit Lovely Reggea' by the title 'Cricket Star'. The track was rerecorded in 1979 and released under the latter title as a flexi disc as stated on page 144.
Banks, Joe. 2021. Electronic Sound - Freq Out (Robert Calvert)
6. On page 104 I call the Marc Bolan hosted show that Hawkwind appeared on in 1977 'the Marc Bolan Show', it was actually called 'Marc'.
7. Uncle Sam's on Mars.
The line 'two cars in the garage' (Calvert 1979) from Uncle Sam's on Mars could have its origins in accusations made against Henry Hoover in 1932!
In the 1932 presidential election Hoover's opponents sought to embarrass him by claiming that in 1928 he had 'promised voters a chicken in every pot and two cars in every garage' (1). Actually the 1928 Republican ad claimed that the Republicans had 'put the proverbial 'chicken in every pot'. And a car in every backyard, to boot' (2). Hoover lost the election to Roosevelt (Wikipedia n.d: no pag.).
More evidence of what an extraordinarily well researched and knowledgeable lyricist Robert Calvert was!
Thanks to a Facebook conversation 27-7-24 for alerting me to this.
Calvert, Robert. 1979. Uncle Sam's on Mars, PXR5, Charisma Records.
(1) "A Chicken for Every Pot" Political Ad, October 30, 1928 | State Historical Society of Iowa
(2) history-education-pss-depression-chicken-source.jpg (1000×1154) (
Wikipedia. No date. 1932 United States presidential election - Wikipedia
8. Politics.
Robert Calvert - The Action Man Explains, originally published in August 1989 and republished in 2008 by Zephyr Hawkfrendz has some fascinating content!
In a letter dated May 1985 Robert again positions himself in opposition to capitalism commenting that 'I have no desire at all to become a capitalist but I think I deserve to earn at least the average working wage for the work I do. I need a bit of money to buy time in order to produce more work, because my life is my work and vice versa' (Calvert 1985). Robert continues to explicitly reject the capitalist position and then moves on to describe his work in terms that can be considered 'unalienated'. The Marxist concept of 'alienated labour' describes the experience of workers under industrial capitalism. Under industrial capitalism the worker is thrown into competition with other members of the working class, forced into wage labour by commodification, reduced to performing repetitive tasks and forced to expend their labour on adding value to someone else's property. All of this means that the worker is alienated from themself, from others and from their work (Guy-Evans 2024: no pag.). Robert's observation on his work that, 'I need a bit of money to buy time in order to produce more work, because my life is my work and vice versa' is a succinct description of unalienated labour, of an integrated life that has managed, to a large degree, to side step the imperatives and alienations of industrial capitalism.
Regarding a second book of poetry he writes that,
...'The poems are all written but just need sorting out. As I said, I would rather be published in a reputable format; but this, in the light of the present establishment's attitude to what is regarded as subversive (which I don't think is a strong enough word for my activities) this is hardly likely for some time.
To be circulated in mimeographed pamphlets would be appropriate; this is how the Russian dissidents get their work disseminated...' (Calvert 1985).
In line with his most recent album Freq in this section of the letter Robert positions himself as a 'subversive' artist engaged in counter hegemonic 'activities'. He then compares his work with that of Russian dissidents. Although in 1982's 'Ramblings at Dawn' he was reluctant to identify himself as a political writer in this 1985 letter Robert has no qualms about describing his work/'activities' as 'subversive'.
Calvert, Robert. 1985. Letter reprinted in Robert Calvert - The Action Man Explains, HFZ 007/02. September 2008, Zephyr Hawkfrendz, Originally published August 1989.
Guy-Evans, Olivia. 2024. 'Marx's Theory of Alienation in Sociology', SimplyPsychology,
9. Politics/Ethics/ Persona
The poems 'The Action Man Explains' and 'The Sad Ballad of a Soldier' continue the anti militarist position referred to in the above chapters. In 'The Action Man Explains' Robert critiques the role of the soldier describing the 'Action Man' soldier as 'Empire made' and able to 'kill and maim and bless 'em all'. By referring to 'Empire' in his description of the 'realistic plastic man' he relates the activities of the soldier to the role of the soldier; that is violence to preserve and extend the interests of a capitalist state (Calvert n.d.).
'The Sad Ballad of a Soldier' is a sympathetic account of the remaking of a civilian into a soldier as the new recruit exchanges the markers of their old identity for markers of the new. The last two lines of each stanza are 'To be worn at all times' followed by either 'Save for when the last bugle is blown' or 'Save for when the last bugle blows', a reminder that a soldier may not be able to exchange their identity again due to the nature of their role (Calvert n.d.).
This anti militarist position is confirmed in an interview from 1981, in it Robert comments on the film 'The Charge of the Light Brigade' and observes that historic wars have been 'the play things of a small minority of individuals with their private armies' and 'started by chieftains originally...dragging people into their private disputes'. He then states 'I've a feeling that it's something we might've outgrown now, although it has a fascination, it is a good subject to make movies about. But I can't really imagine a lot of my generation jumping into uniform and wanting to go out and fight wars with each other. I fucking know I wouldn't do it!' (Calvert 1981)
Calvert, Robert. No Date. 'The Action Man Explains', Robert Calvert - The Action Man Explains, HFZ 007/02. September 2008, Zephyr Hawkfrendz, Originally published August 1989. (The poem originally appeared in Cheesecake 1981.)
Calvert, Robert. No Date. 'The Sad Ballad of a Soldier', Robert Calvert - The Action Man Explains, HFZ 007/02. September 2008, Zephyr Hawkfrendz, Originally published August 1989. (The poem appeared with kind permission of Jill Calvert.)
Cheesecake and Calvert, Robert. 1981. 'Robert Calvert: The Action Man Explains', Robert Calvert - The Action Man Explains, HFZ 007/02. September 2008, Zephyr Hawkfrendz, Originally published August 1989. (The interview originally appeared in Cheesecake 1981.)
10. Politics/Ethics.
In a letter that seems to date from 1985 Robert refers to clashes between the police and hippies and then goes on to quote from 'the sort of history texts we had at school'. In the letter he quotes from Makers of the Realm by Arthur Bryant, which was published in 1953. His quotes argue that historically England had generally had an unusual tradition of tolerance for dissent and non conformity. Robert then concludes 'All this in the past has been true. it seems now that England is in the hands of a foreign power. Something I have instinctively felt for some time. Before this present government even. Is it just paranoia?' (Calvert n.d).
Robert's observations were extremely pertinent and relate to the the political developments outlined in the book's Introduction. James Callaghan became Prime Minister in 1976 and can be seen as a transitional figure in the UK's shift to the right. The move away from social democracy was completed in 1979 with the election of Margaret Thatcher who over her three terms as Prime Minister restructured Britain according to neoliberal ideology. Neoliberalism has its origins in the writings of economist Friedrich Hayek and was championed by American economist Milton Freidman and The Chicago School of Economics. Robert's sense that there had been a fundamental shift at some point in the previous years would have been confirmed by Thatcher's framing of the miners as 'the enemy within', the police actions at the Battle of Orgreave in 1984 and the Battle of the Beanfield in 1985.
The recent increased suppression of climate protest referred to in the chapter 'Ethics' shows that Robert's concerns were valid and remain relevant.
Calvert, Robert. No Date. Letter reprinted in Robert Calvert - The Urban Guerilla HFZ 024 Published September 2008 by Zephyr Hawkfrendz,
Wikipedia. No date. Friedrich Hayek, [accessed 9 September 2024 via bing].
11. Politics.
Michael Hardt in The Subversive Seventies writes that US feminist journals in the '70s included images of 'a Black woman or a Vietnamese woman with a child in one arm and a rifle in the other' (p. 172). A little later he writes that these feminist groups 'were obviously not advocating taking up arms; instead for them, like for the students, the identification with armed revolutionaries marked their aspiration to translate such revolutionary activity into their own context, where it would, of course, have to be conducted by different means' (p.173). This may have parallels in Robert's referencing of Che Guevara in 'Days of the Underground'.
Hardt, Michael. 2023. The Subversive Seventies (Oxford UK and New York NY: Oxford University Press).
12. Politics.
In Doggett's There's A Riot Going On, Barry Miles comments '(International Times) started out being interested in personal politics, not traditional party politics...In fact, it was very much a reaction against politics' (Doggett 2007: 68).
These thoughts are echoed by Robert in a NME interview from 1972 where he observes '...All generations have had some sort of revolutionary feeling in them but this is the first that isn’t based on any political ideals or programmes. Consequently it’s the job of the musician to put these feelings into music that people can recognise.' (Johnson 1972: no pag.).
In Mixing Pop and Politics, Manning comments on the book and Williams' concept of 'structure of feeling' that 'This book reads music in relation to the social and economic conditions of its production and reception, as an expression of the mood of its era, of what Raymond Williams called a 'structure of feeling'. In comprehending the political as being felt as much as thought...positing musicians' choice of a particular word or phrase, sound or style as expressive of a wider, social structure of feeling...' (Manning 2024: 4).
Taken together these comments seem to indicate that while the counterculture at times eschewed traditional political positions it was not non-political. Its concerns, emphasis, aims and preoccupations were very political. However, that revolutionary politics, as Robert observed, was not always as much thought through as felt. He saw Hawkwind's task as translating that 'structure of feeling' into music. Robert also did a very good job of translating that 'structure of feeling' into lyrics so that those revolutionary feelings became articulated, more defined and mediated into the mainstream.
Doggett, Peter. 2007. There's A Riot Going On (Edinburgh: Canongate).
Johnson, James. 1972. 'The Truth About Hawkwind', New Musical Express 5-2-1972, [accessed 8 February 2025 via].
Manning, Toby. 2024. Mixing Pop and Politics: A Marxist History of Popular Music, (London: Repeater).
In an advert for Pentameters Theatre in Hawklords - 30 Years On - 2009 A Space Odyssey it comments that 'the early-1960s surreal set' for the 1976 production of Robert's play, The Stars That Play With Laughing Sam's Dice, was designed by Barney Bubbles! (1)
(1) Hawklords - 30 Years On - 2009 A Space Odyssey HFZ 035, March 2009, Zephyr Hawkfrendz,
Another example of Robert's mythologising comes in the programme for the IT 'Hawkwind at Wembley' concert in 1973. In the piece, 'Once Upon a Space' he describes the formation of Hawkwind, introducing the band members as mythic beings. Barney Bubbles' art for the Space Ritual tour is also reproduced in the design of the Wembley programme.
15. Collaborations.
I realised that I had skipped over Lucky Leif and the Longships in ‘Collaborations’, here are a couple of interviews with Robert on the album.
‘The idea for the album came to me, in fact, as a spin-off from a sort of Jacobean gangster musical I've written, and which I hope to present in the theatre at some stage. The musical itself deals with America in the prohibition period, and this, in some strange ways, prompted me to start thinking about the Vikings. You see it struck me, when I was doing some background reading, that it was very funny that when the Vikings discovered America they should call the place Vinland, the land of wine, and that later the country should develop a bad drinking problem. So, I started reading translations of the Vinland sagas, which I could see as being relevant to the prohibition days. Then I had a very good idea for an album’ (Barton 1975: no pag.).
In a 1975 NME interview with Vivian Goldman he comments,
‘It’s an experimental album, you see. Some of it works, some of it doesn’t … it’s not for me to say, I suppose.’
Aren’t some of the tracks very folk-oriented? And isn’t that surprising from a musician who was weaned in the anarchist aggressiveness of Hawkwind?
‘I was trying to make musical references all the way through. Most of my formative years were spent writing poetry, and now I apply the same process to music. Nowadays I find music relaxing and easier, because it involves more feeling than thinking.
It’s wrong to say that any of the tracks are just pastiche – they’ve all got more than one musical reference. I tried to keep the cross reference between American culture and Scandinavian folklore and ancient myths.
I don’t think that all of it came off as well as I’d hoped . . – it’s interesting, but not all of it knocks me out.
Eno (that’s ex-Roxy Brian Eno, who produced) made a lot of difference. We both had to compromise. I really wanted his more objective view, it’s so easy to imagine that an idea’s working out when in fact it hasn’t. I still think Eno’s the best producer I could possibly have had. The recording went like a dream.
I mean, we did have some friendly arguments while we were working. Originally I wanted some dialogue sketches between the tracks, to help along the narrative. But Eno advised me that dialogue and humour don’t really work on L.P. – I can’t iisten to ‘Captain Lockheed’ any more, because all the dialogue gets boring when you know it back to front.
I decided he was right, and we left out the talking. But I definitely think that the story line’s still there. People have said that each track’s too Isolated, and the album doesn’t flow. But to me, it’s just a different kind of flow.
At the time I was writing “Lief” I was very impressed by Peter Barnes’ (author of “The Ruling Class”) approach to theatre. It’s a magpie kind of attitude – taking aspects of lots of theatrical genres, anything from music hall to Shakespeare. That’s what I tried to do; to be eclectic not for the sake of it, but when it seems appropriate.’
One track in particular seems to have aroused a lot of criticism for precisely this attitude; ‘The Lay Of The Suffers’. To say that it’s derivative of surf music would be an understatement. One chorus runs thusly: ‘I guess you could call us, Barbarians, Bar Bar Barbarians, Bar Bar Barbarians . . .’ Strike a chord? It’s meant to! What about it, Bob?
‘Just seemed to me that a song about the Vikings’ attitude to piracy was suited to a cross between heavy rock and surf music. I don’t think it sounds like The Beach Boys, but then it’s not meant to. I don’t set out to mimic Jan and Dean, although I love them. I’m not the Dick Emery of pop . . .’ (Goldman 1975: no pag).
Barton, Geoff. 1975. Calvert: ‘A Mind Fit for Heroes’, Sounds 4-10-1975, [accessed 8 February 2025 via ].
Goldman, Vivian. 1975. ‘Some Thought on the Underground From Hendon Cemetery’, New Musical Express 20-9-1975 [accessed 8 February 2025 via].
16. 25 Years On.
In Hawklords - 30 Years On - 2009 A Space Odyssey there is an article on Hawklords that confirms John Appleby's recollection of reading in the music press of the time that the image on the front cover of the album 25 Years On was of a PTI worker; 'The image is made more concrete by designer Barney Bubbles' album cover, which represents a Pan Transcendental brochure design. The black and white photo illustration of a worker holding a light...'(1).
(1) Hawklords - 30 Years On - 2009 A Space Odyssey HFZ 035, March 2009, Zephyr Hawkfrendz,
17. Post Hawkwind Recordings.
In 1993 there was a 4 track Hawkwind release Spirit of the Age (Solstice Remixes) on 4 Real Communications. The remixes were by Astralasia and retained Robert's vocals. The EP was released in the USA in 1995 by Griffin Music.
Robert Calvert Discography.
Spirit of the Age. (No Date)
Hawkwind - Spirit of the Age (Solstice Remixes),
Hawkwind - Spirit of the Age (Solstice Remixes),
18. Post Hawkwind Recordings.
In January 2022 5 Day 5 Waltz featuring Cpt Bob Calvert by StATe CoNTrOL was posted on YouTube (1). This track includes parts of Robert's 1982 interview 'Ramblings at Dawn' (2).
Thanks to Facebook post 31-7-24.
(1) StATe CoNTrOL - 5 Day 5 Waltz feat. Cpt BoB Calvert (
(2) Robert Calvert - Ramblings at Dawn, 1982 Interview (
19. Post Hawkwind Recordings.
Having listened to 'Cafe des Illusions' which was released as a CDr in 2004 with 'Connection/Disconnection', under the name of Robert Calvert's Paranoid Android and appeared originally on the 1979 album Disco Dream and the Androids released under the name of The Androids, I doubt that Robert is involved in this track.
The Androids – Disco Dream And The Androids (1979, Vinyl) - Discogs
The Androids – Disco Dream and the Androids (
20. Temporality and Class in Hawklords' 25 Years On.
Further to Durkheim's idea of 'collective effervescence' which suggests that the viewer individually and collectively would be encouraged to identify with those on stage, thus creating a shared sense of working class identity, Robert observed in 1972, 'Gigs seem to get into a very ritualistic, tribal thing where people come to lose their personal identity and expand their consciousness collectively.' (Johnson 1972: no pag.).
Johnson, James. 1972. 'The Truth About Hawkwind', New Musical Express 5-2-1972, [accessed 8 February 2025 via].
21. Relationships.
Jill Calvert's 1996 interview with Knut Gerwers includes this relevant passage;
'KG: There's a thing surprised me when I listened to the tapes you gave me yesterday*, because Robert pointed out in a few interviews that he was… well, not exactly 'proud' of never having written any love songs - but he pointed it out from time to time - and then yesterday I've heard five or six of them on these tapes, which took me really by surprise.
The first thought was - obviously - he was so happy in love with you - or whichever person he was addressing - or was it just again that he tried to work on a different formula, work in a different genre? Because these songs are really different from most of his other work.
(* tapes with the last, unreleased home-made demo recordings of Calvert's songs)
JC: They are, yeah. It was another time when he was specifically working with different genres. I mean I was amazed when he wrote those, because it was the last thing I ever expected him to write. But he did. Again, I think it was just his love of playing with different genres. I think he wanted to write some sort of pop songs for fun.
KG: Did he intend to put out a lot of the material which is on these tapes?
JC: Yes, he did actually...'
Calvert, Jill and Gerwers, Knut. 1996. Jill Calvert on Robert Calvert,
22. Hype.
In 2021 the artist who created the artwork for the front cover, Alan Craddock, recalled that in his brief Robert had asked him to reference David Hockney.
The manager of the Tom Mahler Band is Nick Telfer who is constructed as being of Jewish heritage and gay (p.30 and p. 112-113). This may be a pop culture reference to Brian Epstein, manager of the Beatles, who was also gay and of Jewish heritage.
Calvert, Robert. 1981. Hype, New English Library (Second edition Gonzo Multimedia 2013).
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